In a Clay Roofing Tile Council survey of conservation officers, planners, architects, house builders, surveyors and roofing contractors, 99% agreed that clay tiles enhance the built environment with 95% acknowledged that they are sustainable building products. The choice of roof tile will affect both the character and value of your home.
Strength and Durability:
The Santa Catarina clay tiles offer superior strength and durability than all other roof coverings. Many examples exist of roofs with plain clay tiles that are still standing in pristine condition after more than 100 years. The permanence of the colour with naturally burnt clay colours guarantees that the roof will never look washed out and as it ages it will improve and mellow.
The overwhelming case for clay tiles rests upon aesthetics. The wide range of natural burnt colours from red to Brown to blue can be imitated but never reproduced with artificial colouring. The permanence of artificial colours is not guaranteed.
The small size of Santa Catarina clay tiles provides the versatility for the architect to design roofscapes of infinite interest. Large format roof tiles simply do not offer this flexibility.
Clay tile roofs form an important part of the architectural heritage of Portugal and Europe. Planners and architects keen to preserve regional distinctiveness are keen to specify clay roof tiles.
Santa Catarina clay tiles are a sustainable product, the longevity of clay means that the energy and raw materials used in their production are offset over the whole life of the roof, which in the case of most clay tile roofs, is over 100 years.
The beauty of natural clay colours is unrivalled.
Clay tiles mellow and improve with age. The artificial colours of concrete tiles fade away (look at 20 to 30-year old concrete roofs and compare with clay).